Liquidity Token
What is Liquidity Token?
For every FIL you deposit into the HashMix FIL Liquid Staking pool, you'll receive a certain amount of Liquidity Token to represent your deposit. We call it cWFIL. It's used to calculate your deposit and interest, but you can also transfer or sell it. However, once you transfer your cWFIL, your deposit and interest will also be transferred to the person (or address) who holds the corresponding cWFIL. So, be cautious with your cWFIL.
How can I see my Liquidity Token (cWFIL)?
You can add cWFIL to your wallet to see it. The cWFIL token address is 0x587A7eaE9b461ad724391Aa7195210e0547eD11d.
Last updated